Transforming learning through
Collaboration and
Critical Thinking
Customized Professional Development and Programing based on the needs of your educational community.

About Us
Digital Age Learning collaborates with schools and school districts using an asset based, community approach. Activated by The Four C’s — Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking, our customized solutions in programing, professional development and curriculum have been employed by the New York City Department of Education and beyond. DAL supports educational initiatives in distance learning, game design, social emotional learning, literacy and more. Let us know how we can collaborate in your learning community.
The New York State Education Department recognizes Digital Age Learning as a Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE). DAL is certified as a New York City Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) and New York State Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE).
Our process and approach is an immersive experience focused on transformative pedagogy and leadership development that leverages the effective use of digital tools and arts integration. Our method recognizes the importance of mental health and wellbeing which benefits all to manage their emotions and stress levels. Our program incorporates in-person and virtual hands on, authentic, stimulating and rewarding project based experiences and activities.

“DAL has the most child-centered focus that I have seen in all my years in education.”
metis report | 2020

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Subscribe to Digital Age Learning on YouTube. Our posts offer technology supports for classroom teachers, parent coordinators, administrators, families and other members of your learning community.